Installation Theme

There are two ways to upload any theme to the WordPress site: Admin panel and FTP. The most recommended way is uploading via the Admin panel, however, sometimes there may be size limitations for files uploaded that is why this manual provides both ways:

Upload Theme through WordPress Admin panel

Method 1: Install the theme through the WordPress Dashboard

The first: Download a theme package file from ThemeForest. Unzip the package file on your computer -, and the theme package folder will be created.

Installing a WordPress theme is super easy via your Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your admin panel at

  2. Find Appearance → Themes in the Dashboard

  3. Click the button Add New (on top of the page) and go for the Upload option

  4. Open the browse, then pick from the unzip folder of your downloaded Theme package from ThemeForest

  5. Click the "Install Now" button

Installing By FTP

Method 2: Upload through the FTP

First, you need to uncompress the WordPress theme ".zip" in the Theme package downloaded from Themeforest. But in Elessi Theme Package, we have unzipped them already into Elessi folder and each unzipped folder contains all necessary files to install the theme, including layouts, CSS and PHP files containing all theme code. Using the FTP to transfer the folder of this theme to the WordPress theme's root directory: /wp-content/themes.

Connect to your hosting (server) via FTP client

Upload your theme folder to folder

Login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Appearance Themes and activate Theme

Open your site and check if everything is okay

Last updated