Convert Taxonomies -> Attrs Brand
This feature will help you convert "Brand Taxonomies" to "Brand Attributes" when the number of pre-created products or Brands is too large and cannot be created from the steps in the docs.
This option is only applicable when you enable the "Variation Swatches" - UX Variations (Color - Label (Size) - Image Swatches) option.
Necessary steps to proceed with conversion:
Step 1: Create or use an Attribute with type "Image" in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes
Step 2: Go to Theme Options -> Product Brands -> Click to "Select Attribute to push data"
Next select Attribute to perform the conversion and application process
You will wait for the conversion process to complete.
So all Brand Attributes have been created from existing Brand Taxonomies.
The products are also distributed into Brand Attributes similar to Brand Taxonomies.
Setp 3: The process is complete, remember to check in for that Attribute to be used as the product's Brand and save the data for Theme Options.
Last updated