Method 2: Manual Update

Get the latest Elessi theme version from your ThemeForest account. If you don't want to or can't use the plugin, you can always update the theme manually in these steps.

Step 1 - Get the theme files

Save the theme's files on your computer first.

  • Go to the Downloads section in your Envato account

  • Then click the green Download button to grab the theme and make sure you're getting the "Installable WordPress file only"

Step 2 - Upload and replace the theme

Now that the theme's files are saved on your computer, you can log into WordPress administration dashboard to upload and install it.

Navigate to Appearance Themes and click the "Add New"

Upload the file you've downloaded from ThemeForest in the previous step and click Install Now.

Finally click Replace current with uploaded

Now update the bundled plugins as indicated in the next section.

Step 3 - Update bundled plugins

After the theme update always check Appearance → Install Plugins for any plugin updates

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