Translate Theme
The easiest way to translate theme to the language:
Use the Loco Translate plugin
Go to Plugins > Add new > Install and activate the Loco Translate plugin
Them Translation
In case the language you need already exists, double-check this:
If the folder is "Author" You need to use the copy option to create your language with the Folder "Other"
In case the language you need is not available, continue following the next steps below:
Add New Language Theme
Go to Loco Translate > Theme > select Elessi Theme. Press "Add new language" Translate strings and Save.
NOTE: We recommend you don't choose a location in themes/elessi/lang/, because after you update the theme all your custom files will be lost.
NOTE: If you face problems with translation, you need to be sure that your translation files are synchronized. Button Sync (Loco Translate plugin) allows synchronizing your translation file with the .pot file. Then you will be able to translate untranslated strings.
If this does not help, contact us:
Last updated